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Prerequisites for Cloud Migration with Data Rocket

A previous blog explained how Data Rocket™ moves and cleanses millions of rows of raw data into the cloud. But what are the prerequisites for migrating to the Snowflake Data Cloud with Data Rocket?  What is Data Rocket?   To understand the prerequisites for Data Rocket, it’s important to understand the system architecture. Data Rocket is an end-to-end acceleration architecture, built on Talend’s Cloud Data Platform and the Snowflake Data Cloud… Continue reading Prerequisites for Cloud Migration with Data Rocket

Regional Banks Find Easy Access to 3rd Party Data Sets with Snowflake Marketplace and Passerelle

With the launch and growth of the Snowflake Marketplace, Snowflake customers can now access 3rd Party Data with the click of a button – and Passerelle has predefined data sets and use cases to further accelerate the process.  What is the Snowflake Marketplace?   The Snowflake Marketplace provides access to data sets and Saas applications in financial services, healthcare, public sector, retail and media and advertising. The platform… Continue reading Regional Banks Find Easy Access to 3rd Party Data Sets with Snowflake Marketplace and Passerelle

Data Rocket Implementation – What You Get in First 20 Hours

Technology Used:  Talend Data Ingestion  Snowflake Data Cloud  Data Rocket Architecture  Data Rocket Dynamic Ingestion Module  Data Rocket® is an acceleration architecture for data estate modernization – but just how fast is Rocket fast?  In the first three days of Data Rocket implementation, customers go from zero – no Talend or Snowflake implementation – to configuration in the Snowflake Data Cloud with millions of rows… Continue reading Data Rocket Implementation – What You Get in First 20 Hours

Passerelle Helps ND DoH Build Case for Flu Shots

Need another reason to get a flu shot? You could save time spent in the hospital, according to initial evidence from Passerelle’s most recent work with the North Dakota Department of Health. U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams joins members of the North Dakota Department of Health leadership team, and representatives from Passerelle, Amazon Web Services… Continue reading Passerelle Helps ND DoH Build Case for Flu Shots