
Operational Support and Maintenance

Operational Support and Maintenance

Supporting Your Business Goals

Passerelle works with organizations of every size – from nonprofits to universities to enterprises to state governments – to provide operational support and maintenance services. We apply our technology expertise to help make the most of an organization’s data stack. While Passerelle provides ad-hoc support based on availability, most organizations benefit from the peace of mind and proactive maintenance provided by our Operations & Supports model.

Operational Support and Maintenance

Technical Support

Passerelle offers customized support plans based on technology and deployment complexity. Our standard support structure includes 4 priority levels that ensure you get immediate service support in the case of mission-critical outages or security breaches.

Operational Support

Passerelle works with organizations to manage their enterprise data solutions, associated licenses and infrastructure. We optimize the right-sized deployment of different technology and infrastructure and establish appropriate platform governance.


Regular maintenance is critical for the functionality and security of data platforms. Passerelle works with organizations to ensure technologies are up-to-date and working correctly. Maintenance work includes deployment of security patches and version updates and monitoring for proper usage and optimization opportunities.

Trainings and Knowledge Transfer

Technology advances at a rate that can quickly eclipse the knowledge base of in-house engineers. Passerelle augments your team with our data experts to fully realize the potential of your technology investments. We offer training and on-going support, staying abreast of technology offerings with our leading partners and emerging providers to keep your data architecture optimized and future-ready.

Case Studies

We help businesses harness the power of their data.

Better to Best – Talend + Passerelle
National Bank