
Financial Services

Financial Services

Data Estate Modernization Tools and Services for Banks and Credit Unions 

Gone are the days of getting to know account holders with cookies and coffee in the lobby of a local branch. Today, banks and credit unions must rely on an increasingly complex ecosystem of technology providers to truly understand account holders.

Too often, the real story of people and businesses are locked into siloes of core banking systems, loan origination platforms and point solutions. Valuable information that unlocks who an account holder is, how they are spending their money, and opportunities for better customer service are lost when data isn’t easily accessible.

While branch managers might look back fondly on cookies and conversations, the good news is, the right modern technology toolkit and data stack can create an equally personalized account holder experience.

Passerelle partners with banks and credit unions to take data out of silos, with solutions that make it trusted and usable throughout an organization. We built an accelerated data stack that delivers end-to-end data management and delivers a first use case in less than three months. For organizations with well-established data management, we offer technology accelerators with prebuilt use cases for 3rd party data, enriched first party data, marketing segmentation tools, and data governance.

Data Estate Modernization

Keeping up with advancing technologies has been on the minds of banks and credit unions for years. Today, investing in data estate modernization is not just a matter of establishing a competitive advantage; it's a matter of survival. Modernization should help break away from legacy infrastructure handcuffs and unlock insights needed to compete and succeed in dynamically shifting markets. Passerelle built Data Rocket with input from regional banks, to help solve some of the most complex data problems, from regulatory compliance to Account Holder 360. 

Technology Accelerators

With our Highline Offerings, Passerelle has created technology accelerators for industry best fintech solutions, including Equifax 3rd party datasets, Segmint's enriched 1st party data, ML/AI models from Dataiku and Sagemaker, and customer segmentation from Flywheel. Our Highline Offerings create immediate ROI with predefined use cases and ready-made dashboards. With Highline, you can spend less time onboarding and more time getting the value from your investment. 

Agile Data Governance

Data Governance is NOT an All or Nothing proposition. With Agile Data Governance, you can use an iterative, collaborative approach to create scalable Data Governance initiatives, set best-practices, and build a Data Governance culture in your organization. We a complimentary needs assessment, helping you identify easy Data Governance wins with an executive roadmap for execution. Learn more about Agile Data Governance here.

Financial Services Expertise

Our products and services packages are developed alongside regional banks and credit unions, with input from financial services leaders. We pride ourselves on purpose-built engineering that delivers practical solutions for real-world problems. 

Financial Services Offerings

Rocket for Financial Services
Josh Nash - Camden National Bank

Learn How Camden National Bank moved their data strategy to the Cloud – watch the video to hear from Camden National Bank’s SVP Josh Nash, or read the case study here. To learn how how to get started on your own digital transformation, keep scrolling to read about Data Rocket for Financial Services.

Case Studies

We help businesses harness the power of their data.

National Bank