
Snowflake Highline

Snowflake Highline

A Flat-Fee Quick Start to the Snowflake Data Cloud

Congratulations – You’re on your way to the Cloud!

You’ve realized the benefit of moving your data to an infinitely elastic cloud data environment that can scale with your organization’s needs, while keeping data secure and accessible.

While it’s easy to see the value in moving to the Snowflake Data Cloud, it’s not always easy to get there. If you don’t have the expertise, cloud migration can be costly and time-consuming. You will need to onboard your team to the new technology, adjust to new technical patterns, and make sure existing systems and platforms are compatible. You’ll also want to manage the complexity of large datasets and ensure efficient data processing and analytics. Most importantly, you should have a use case in mind so you can quickly see the value in your investment, and encourage adoption throughout your organization.

Passerelle makes it easy to get your team started with Snowflake, with a three-tiered, flat-fee offering designed to help your team build Snowflake competency while fully leveraging all of Snowflake’s capabilities with best practices. We’ll help you get into the Data Cloud quickly, with the know-how and expertise to accelerate your deployment and implementation.


Implementation Plans Tailored to Your Needs

Passerelle created Snowflake Highline with the understanding that organizations want to get into the cloud quickly, and do it right the first time. Passerelle can help you build a strong foundation with Snowflake best practices, or build the scaffolding for your technology roadmap by helping you identify and implement an MVP use case. Not only is our engineering team one of the best in the business, we offer competitive rates for consulting and professional services and unrivaled Snowflake expertise.

Tier 1 – Snowflake Highline

40 Hours Services Package

The base offering of our Snowflake Highline Suite, Snowflake Highline builds a foundational understanding of Snowflake Best Practices, defines the high-level data analytics architecture and provides an Executive Summary Roadmap for next steps. Snowflake best practices are delivered virtually via a 2-day workshop. Content can be delivered in 4 four-hour sessions, or 2 eight-hour sessions.

As Data Analytics Architecture Document, Passerelle engineers will perform discovery services to understand your technology ecosystem and define your platform architecture. Engineers will define Snowflake integration requirements for your data ingestion tool, data catalog, data transformation, BI tools, LDAP, version control and code repository, environments and deployment pipeline, and data security.

Finally, your Highline includes an Executive Roadmap, with a summary of next steps and action items. Snowflake Highline starts at $7,500.

Tier 2 – Snowflake Highline + Analytics

80 Hours Services Package

Snowflake Highline + Analytics, augments Snowflake Highline by implementing your analytics platform on Snowflake. As part of this offering, engineers will install and configure the software tools associated to your analytics platform, as defined by Highline’s Data Analytics Architecture Document. The second tier of Snowflake Highline is rounded out with an Executive Summary that identifies and defines and MVP use case. Snowflake Highline + Analytics starts at $15,000.

Tier 3 – Snowflake Highline + Use Case

120 Hours Services Package

With Snowflake Highline + Use Case, Passerelle engineers will perform all services in the Highline and and Highline + Analytics offerings, and implement your first use case, from data ingestion into Snowflake to a data visualization or dashboard activity. With the use case deployment, Passerelle will help scope an MVP use case that can be performed in 40 hours. Passerelle engineers will transform your data into a ready-to-use data mart, and provide documentation for your use. The Snowflake Highline + Use Case starts at $22,500.

Data Governance Launchpad

60 Hours Services Package – Add-On to Tier 2 or Tier 3

The Data Governance Launchpad builds observability and an extra layer of security and governance into your Snowflake Data Cloud. The Launchpad includes configuration and implementation of ALTR’s automated data access control and security solution. ALTR offers a free base-level subscription that includes automated data discovery and classification, data usage analytics dashboards and column- and row-level access controls.

In addition to ALTR’s base version, engineers will deploy Data Quality Watch and Snowflake Watch to your Data Cloud. Data Quality Watch measures data Completeness, Accuracy, Consistency, Validity, Timeliness, Popularity and Integrity, in Tableau or PowerBi dashboard that allows you track data quality over time. Snowflake Watch provides Tableau dashboards for Warehouse Usage, Query Performance, Security Setup, and Database Stats so managers can quickly gauge key volumetric stats with customizable visual dashboards, and drill down to the query- and user-level for deeper insights.

The Data Governance Launchpad creates a baseline data governance program in the Snowflake Data Cloud with tools that scale with use. The Data Governance Launchpad is offered starting at $11,250, with an annual subscription of $5,000 that includes new features and support for Snowflake Watch and Data Quality Watch.

Ready to get started? Book a complimentary consultation to find a plan that works for you.