Data Rocket Road Map

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Data Rocket Releases and Roadmap

Data Rocket Roadmap


Dynamic Ingestion to include encrypted flat files.

Data Quality Watch to include:

  • Prescriptive data correction flow.
  • Extended custom business measures.

Data Rocket Data Governance features to include:

  • Schema Drift Module.
  • CISO Dashboard data security controls and user activity monitoring for effective Governance. 

Data Rocket for Financial Services to include: 

  • Loan Insight Dashboard.
  • Branch Insight Dashboard.
  • Data Catalog with pre-built business terms, data dictionary and classification.
  • Snowflake data classification tags and data security policies for Common Data Model.

Data Rocket Releases

2024 H2

Data Quality Watch includes Snowflake Native Quality features.

Data Quality Watch extends custom business measures for beta testing.

Dynamic Ingestion includes ability to optimize bulk ingestion.

Data Rocket’s Observe and Control Dashboard extended to include Qlik Replicate.

Data Rocket’s Observe and Control Dashboard includes plans and tasks.

Passerelle streamlines Data Rocket User Feedback for improvement and new features,

Data Assistant offering extended to Snowflake Cortex.

Data Quality Watch includes custom measures for banking.

Data Rocket accelerates the implementation of data catalog offerings with preset catalogs, classifications, and use cases for banks and credit unions.

2024 H1

Dynamic Ingestion includes configuration assistant for MS SQL.

Passerelle releases Data Quality Watch, a native app on Snowflake Marketplace.

Passerelle releases the CISO Dashboard to accelerate the implementation of ALTR for Data Security professionals.

Passerelle updates security framework and guidelines to include current best practices.

Passerelle releases Alpha version of Data Assistant for testing.  

Data Rocket includes prebuilt template for Competitive Market Analysis for Banks and Credit Unions.

Passerelle releases data model to accelerate analytics for Customer 360 for Banks and Credit Unions.

Data Rocket includes prebuilt template for Deposit Insights for Banks and Credit Unions.

Performance enhancements include Java 17.

2023 H2

Dynamic Ingestion includes support of APIs.

Schema Drift Watch to help organizations with the implementation of data governance programs by providing capabilities to proactively monitor changes in the Snowflake Data Cloud. 

Data Assistant prototype developed during Passerelle’s Hackathon.

Data Rocket offers inclusion of ALTR’s security framework on Snowflake.  

2023 H1

Dynamic Ingestion framework supports choice of snapshot history utilization in persistent layer.

Data Quality Watch include custom business rules.

Support portal for customers to submit bugs and feature request.

2022 H2

Data Rocket becomes registered trademark (®) with USPTO. 

Ticketing system for client feature requests and support needs. 

Data Quality Watch provides profiling and measurement for Data Integrity, Timeliness, Consistency, Completeness and Popularity.

2022 H1

With its V2 Meta Data Model, Data Rocket provides a scalable dynamic ingestion configuration and execution logs model to support meta-data drive data ingestion for a wide variety of data source types. 

Data Rocket’s Transformation Framework provides a decision-making rubric for data transformation tools, including Talend and dbt cloud.  

Data Rocket’s V2 Architecture provides an ingestion process with flexible configuration parameters. 

With its V2 Meta Data Model, Data Rocket provides a scalable dynamic ingestion configuration and execution logs model to support meta-data drive data ingestion for a wide variety of data source types. 

Dynamic Ingestion framework includes JSON normalizers that tabularizes JSON files for ingestion into a RDBMS.  

Dynamic Ingestion framework includes delete support.

Data Rocket for Marketing includes GrowthLoop Highline services for accelerated implementation of Flywheel’s customer data solution on the Snowflake Data Cloud. 

The Snowflake CI/CD Guidelines outline how to implement schema change in Snowflake. 

The Equifax Mortgage and HELOC Marketshare Dashboard uses Equifax’s Credit Trends Data set with a bank or credit union’s core data to identify marketshare opportunities and competitive threats.  

Data Rocket’s Segmint integration deanonymizes Segmint data for use with core banking data in the Snowflake Data Cloud. 

Data Rocket for Financial Services includes prebuilt template for FC-C Reporting.

2021 H2

Dynamic Ingestion framework includes ability to ingest delimited files. 

Dynamic Ingestion framework includes Oracle database management and JDBC connectors, unlocking ingestion from multiple database systems. 

With the RDBMS Config Companion Tool allows Data Rocket subscriber to generate code to quickly configure Dynamic Ingestion parameters for large data sets.   

Observe and Control Framework includes rejection table and error code user manual.

Data Rocket’s Transformation framework provides metadata-driven data transformation framework.  

Data Rocket’s Development Toolkit outlines best practices for Talend, Snowflake and Tableau or PowerBI dashboards. 

Documentation created for deployment.

Data Rocket for Financial Services includes preconfigured integration with commonly used Core Banking Systems.  

2021 H1

PowerBI Dashboard features warehouse credit consumptions, roles and user security setup, database volumetric and query execution time.

Dynamic Ingestion framework includes AS400 database management system.  

Passerelle announces launch of Data Rocket subscription and commits to two updates per year. 

Data Rocket provides a practical and affordable data mastering framework for creation of one version of the truth in the Snowflake Data Cloud. 

BI Tool Setup Accelerator securely scales self- service.

FIS & JHA warehouse replication, Encompass connector.

2020 H2

Initial trademark application is registered with US Trademark and Patent Office. 

Data Rocket Lake Warehouse Framework establishes a well-governed data lake for use with any data/any source.  

The Data Security Accelerator provides a blueprint of the Data model life cycle from the Staging Layer to the Analytics Layer in Snowflake, along with a Security model to address personadefined permissions in Snowflake and data structure and security model initialization scripts for Snowflake, in accordance with above blueprint. 

2020 H1

With the Observe and Control dashboard, Data Rocket subscribers can access run statistics of the dynamic ingestion and gain insight into source staging tables. The Dashboard also provides data reconciliation metrics between Source system and Snowflake destination, for ensuring zero data loss.  

AI/ML Accelerator productionizes the execution of data science models in the Snowflake Data Cloud. 

Data Rocket offering released on Microsoft Marketplace as a POC for financial services, higher education and healthcare verticals. 

Dynamic Ingestion Framework launches with automated ingestion model for MSSQL. 

Passerelle formalizes architecture, layering Passerelle IP over Talend and Snowflake connections to accelerate implementation and optimize integration. 


Passerelle identifies pattern of success with implementation of Talend and Snowflake across data-rich industries, including financial services, higher education, energy, manufacturing and retail. 

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