Find Value in AI -
A Guide for Banks and Credit Unions

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What's in Your Guide

In an August Panel discussion, Financial Brand Co-Publisher Jim Marous hosted Josh Nash, SVP and Director of IT, Camden National Bank, alongside data industry experts to discuss how banks and credit unions can find value in AI initiatives. The panel included Greg Spencer, Director of Financial Services at Passerelle; James McGeehan, Head of Banking and Capital Markets at Snowflake; Jason Bishop, Senior AI Solutions Consultant at Qlik; and Anil Sharma, Senior Partner Solutions Architect for Worldwide Banking at AWS.

In an hour-long conversation, which can be viewed here, the group outlined strategies for successful planning and implementation of AI initiatives, identified roadblocks to adoption, and laid out use cases for immediate ROI. This Guide compiles the best advice and insights from our panel into an easy-to-digest format to share with bank and credit union leaders in your organization. 

Front Page Value from AI White Paper

In Your Guide

Understanding the Obstacles

While there is no denying the buzz – and real opportunity – in AI, banks and credit unions can be reticent to make the investment. Our experts laid out the roadblocks to adoption, which ranged from cultural to technological barriers.

The Mandate for AI Adoption

With the obstacles for AI laid out, the panel turned to why banks and credit unions should incorporate AI into their data strategy. While fierce competition and changing consumer expectations are demanding action from banks and credit unions, new tools on the market have made it easier to access technology that was previously the purview of PhDs and mathematicians.

Top Use Cases for Immediate Value

The best way to set yourself up for success in an AI initiative is to identify a business use case, start small, and build on your success.

Recipe for Success

Panelists weighed in on the key ingredients in a recipe for a successful AI initiative, including proactive data management practices, and building a data culture in your organization.

Complimentary AI Readiness Workshop

Submit the form below to request a complimentary, 90-minute AI Readiness Workshop. Your workshop includes an AI Readiness Assessment, a custom technology roadmap and use case suggestions for immediate ROI. 

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